03 March 2025

Censation Information and Geodemographic Data

Censation information uses geodemographic data, created from censuses and interviews, to classify the affluence and life-stage of the residents of a postcode. Further information about Censation Codes is available from AFD Software.

You can use the Screen Manager module to set address information fields to visible.

The fields that store censation information are described in the following table.

This field Holds this information...
Censation Code The censation code for the address.
Affluence The typical affluence within this address location.
Lifestage The typical life stage within this address location.
Lifestyle The typical lifestyle within this address location.

The fields that store geodemographic data are described in the following table.

This field Holds this information...
GridE The easting of the address.
GridN The northing of the address.
Longitude The longitude of the address.
Latitude The latitude of the address.
Ward Code The ward code for the address.
Ward Name The ward name for the address.
Sub-County Name The sub-county name for the address.
Local Enterprise Partnership Code The Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) code for the address.
Local Enterprise Partnership Name The Local Enterprise Partnership name for the address.
Local Education Authority Code The Local Education Authority (LEA) code for the address.
Local Education Authority Name The Local Education Authority name for the address.
Index of Multiple Deprivation Rank

The Index of Multiple Deprivation rank for the address.

Refer to the gov.uk website for further information.

Index of Multiple Deprivation Score

The Index of Multiple Deprivation score for the address.

Refer to the gov.uk website for further information.

UPRN The UPRN (Unique Property Reference Number) for the address.

The Screen Manager fields that contain censation information are located on the Learner Details page, within the Address section of Page Controls.