Censation Information and Geodemographic Data
Censation information uses geodemographic data, created from censuses and interviews, to classify the affluence and life-stage of the residents of a postcode. Further information about Censation Codes is available from AFD Software.
Note: You can use the Screen Manager module to set address information fields to visible.
The fields that store censation information are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
Censation Code | The censation code for the address. |
Affluence | The typical affluence within this address location. |
Lifestage | The typical life stage within this address location. |
Lifestyle | The typical lifestyle within this address location. |
The fields that store geodemographic data are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
GridE | The easting of the address. |
GridN | The northing of the address. |
Longitude | The longitude of the address. |
Latitude | The latitude of the address. |
Ward Code | The ward code for the address. |
Ward Name | The ward name for the address. |
Sub-County Name | The sub-county name for the address. |
Local Enterprise Partnership Code | The Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) code for the address. |
Local Enterprise Partnership Name | The Local Enterprise Partnership name for the address. |
Local Education Authority Code | The Local Education Authority (LEA) code for the address. |
Local Education Authority Name | The Local Education Authority name for the address. |
Index of Multiple Deprivation Rank |
The Index of Multiple Deprivation rank for the address. Refer to the gov.uk website for further information. |
Index of Multiple Deprivation Score |
The Index of Multiple Deprivation score for the address. Refer to the gov.uk website for further information. |
UPRN | The UPRN (Unique Property Reference Number) for the address. |
Note: The Screen Manager fields that contain censation information are located on the Learner Details page, within the Address section of Page Controls.